meldes app

Model : 1800

Meldes' Experiment is a classical physics experiment designed to demonstrate the relationship between the frequency of a vibrating string and the properties of the wave that travels along it. The experiment is often used to study the vibration of a stretched string and the formation of standing waves.

Here’s how the experiment typically works:

  1. Setup: A string is stretched between two fixed points, and a mechanical oscillator (often a tuning fork or an electric vibrator) is used to set the string into motion.

  2. Observation: When the frequency of the vibration matches certain natural frequencies of the string, standing waves are formed. These standing waves have nodes (points where there is no vibration) and antinodes (points where there is maximum vibration).

  3. Purpose: By adjusting the frequency of the oscillator, the experiment can show how the frequency of the oscillating force affects the wavelength and speed of the wave on the string. It demonstrates the relationship between wave properties and string tension, length, and mass.

In the experiment, the fundamental frequency and higher harmonics (like the second harmonic, third harmonic, etc.) are observed, which relate to the integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.

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